
Want to Combat Being Over-Weight?

Want to Combat Being Over-Weight?

May 07, 2013 by

Being more conscious about your food choices and breaking out those free weights, will increase your lean muscle mass. Fingertips Home has outlined 7 ways... more

Step-by-Step Guide for Yoga Beginners

Step-by-Step Guide for Yoga Beginners

May 03, 2013 by

Check out the video below for a quick step-by-step lesson for yoga beginners! Yoga for Beginners: Step-by-Step Sun Salutation Video - Diet Fitness -

5 Foods That Help Feed Your Brain!

5 Foods That Help Feed Your Brain!

May 02, 2013 by

Feeling a bit run down and not as alert as you want to be? Maybe you can eat more to feel with it? Health experts... more

How to Effectively Use the Thumper Equine Pro

How to Effectively Use the Thumper Equine Pro

May 01, 2013 by

Watch the video below to see how to effectively use a Thumper Equine Pro and acheive the best results! Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by... more

Sweet, Glorious Sleep!

Sweet, Glorious Sleep!

Apr 30, 2013 by

It is said that we need seven to nine hours of zzz's for everything from maintaining memory to pretecting heart health. Read more to find... more

Have You Ever Tried Meditation?

Have You Ever Tried Meditation?

Apr 29, 2013 by

It has been estimated that 20 millions Americans have used some sort of meditation in their lifetime. Have you wondered what meditation can do for... more